martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007


1. Now it’s your turn to about yourself.

Draw a picture that describes you.yourself.

Hello my name is Frank Campos, but they can call Frank to me, I am 18 years old, I am of alive Venezuela in the MENE municipality SANTA RITA, study laws in the university RAFAEL BELLOSO CHACIN, because I like much to know the laws my city and am very interesting the race, sometime work with my father in your offices.


I love my family, my dog, the chocolat, pizza, the Chinese food, my country, my race, the cars tuning, La Paz ,la armonia and master all the good one that she happens in the world


I hate, the wars, the conflicts, the violence, the food arabe, to smoke, hatred to reprobate a matter and not to eat to the hour.

MY DREAM is to travel around the world, to know many people and the culture many countries, to visit pyramids in Egypt and to know but of its history, to graduate to me soon and to be one of the best lawyers and to work in my own office, to have a family and a house next to the sea.

My opinion about English. I love seeing movies and listening to music in English, and accustom treatment to send messages in English, accustom I practice with my father in my house and my friends in the university, because the English a very important and interesting language, is one of but spoken in the world.

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